Chroma DB

Chroma DB: AI-native embedding vector database for LLM applications.

Where to use

Chroma DB is most effective for simplifying the creation of large language models by providing scalable and feature-rich embedding vector database capabilities.


– Open-source AI-native embedding vector database for LLM applications.
– Simplifies creating NLP applications with pluggable knowledge and skills.
– Aimed at preventing hallucinations in machine learning models.
– Supports queries, filtering, density estimates, and other features.
– Integrates LangChain (Python and JavaScript) and LlamaIndex.
– Seamless scaling from Python notebook to cluster for development.
– Single API for Python notebook to cluster for testing and production.


– Open-source AI-native embedding vector database
– Simplifies creating LLM applications
– Pluggable knowledge, facts, skills for ML models
– Rich features: queries, filtering, density estimates
– Python notebook API scales to cluster for development.

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